Vermont: Because 49 Other States Can’t Compete (And We Have Maple Syrup)

So, you’re thinking about planning a trip in the good ol’ USA, huh? With 50 states to choose from, it can be a bit overwhelming. But fear not, dear traveler, because we’re here to tell you why Vermont should be at the top of your list. Spoiler alert: we’ve got maple syrup, and that’s reason enough. But if you need more convincing, read on for some reasons why Vermont beats out the other 49 states, hands down.

1. We’re the Land of Endless Covered Bridges (Because Who Needs Google Maps Anyway?)

Ever find yourself longing for a simpler time when GPS wasn’t a thing and getting lost meant stumbling upon hidden gems? Welcome to Vermont, where we’ve got more covered bridges than you can shake a stick at. Lose yourself in the nostalgia of a bygone era as you traverse these charming relics of the past, and who knows? You might just discover your own little slice of paradise along the way.

2. We’re the Birthplace of Ben & Jerry’s

That’s right, folks. Where else can you visit the birthplace of your favorite pint of Chunky Monkey or Phish Food? Ben & Jerry’s started right here in Vermont, and we take our ice cream very seriously. Come for the tour, stay for the free samples, and leave with a newfound appreciation for the wonders of dairy.

3. Our Mountains Are Peak Instagram-Worthy

Forget about those other states with their measly little hills. In Vermont, we’ve got mountains, and they’re downright majestic. Whether you’re snapping selfies atop Mount Mansfield or catching a glimpse of the fall foliage from Camel’s Hump, you’ll be raking in those likes faster than you can say Vermont “cheese.”

4. We’re Basically Canada, Eh?

With our friendly locals, love of hockey, and penchant for maple syrup, you might mistake Vermont for Canada’s quirky cousin. But hey, who wouldn’t want to experience a little taste of our neighbors to the north’s culture without having to dig out their passport?

5. Maple Syrup. Need We Say More?

Last but certainly not least, we have maple syrup. And not just any maple syrup—Vermont maple syrup. It’s sweet, it’s sticky, and it’s practically a way of life around here. Drizzle it on your pancakes, pour it over your ice cream, or just take shots of it straight from the bottle. We won’t judge.

So there you have it, folks. Vermont: the little state that could, and does, and does it all with a side of maple syrup. With its natural beauty, quirky charm, and unbeatable food scene, there’s no question why Vermont stands out from the pack. So why waste your time exploring 49 other states when you can experience the best of the USA right here in the Green Mountain State?

Ready to experience all that Vermont has to offer? Pack your bags, grab your sense of adventure, and get ready for the trip of a lifetime. Maple syrup awaits!